Mark Your Calendars and Get Your Tickets Early!
Texas Critter Crusaders will be holding our first ever “Spay-ghetti Dinner & Dance” on March 21, 2020 from 5 – 10 p.m. The evening will start with Yappy-hour at 5 p.m . and then dinner will be served from 6-7 p.m. Following dinner, we’ll have a ton of fun dancing the night away to the tunes of Sterling Country with a raffle drawing half-way through. You will be able to purchase beer, wine and soft drinks from the bar.
Tickets are $20 for adults/$10 for kids if purchased in advance, or $25 for adults/$15 for kids at the door. Part of your ticket purchase is your first entry into the main raffle where we will have some really nice prizes! Additional raffle entries will be offered at the event. There is the possibility of a separate “special item” raffle that we will announce later. If you just can’t handle this much fun, we will have to-go only meal tickets for $10.
Purchase advance tickets through Eventbrite or in person (shoot us a message and we’ll make arrangements to deliver).
Make plans now to join us for this super fun event! Proceeds will help us continue our mission of providing for the urgent medical and preventive care of the shelter pets located at our local Taylor Animal Shelter, as well as spay/neuter services for community pets in need.
Join us the first Friday of every month at the Texas Beer Company in Taylor, Texas. There will be specials, music, food and puppers!
Bark-B-Que Cook Off Vendor Booth Fees to benefit Texas Critter Crusaders, Helping the animals at the Taylor, Texas, Animal Shelter
The Friends of Hutto Dog Park is looking for vendors to participate at the Bark-B-Que Cook Off in May. 100% of the vendor booth fees will be donated to Texas Critter Crusaders, a non profit group supporting the needs of the animals at the Taylor Animal Shelter in Taylor Texas! Visit for more info and please share to spread the word! #texascrittercrusaiders #dogpark #taylortexas #huttotexas
The Bark B Que Cook off Will be held:
Saturday, May 20 at 11 AM – 4 PM
Starmark Animal Behavior Center
200 County Road 197, Hutto, Texas 78634

Zumbathon Fundraiser for the Texas Critter Crusaders, Benefiting the Animals at the Taylor, Texas, Animal Shelter
Come get your Zumba on for a good cause!
Join April Green at HT Fitness Taylor, TX, for a Zumbathon Fundraiser for the Texas Critter Crusaders benefiting the animals at the Taylor, Texas, Animal Shelter. Donations will be accepted at the door from 10am to 12pm.
March 25, 2017
HT Fitness
3100 N. Main St.
Taylor, TX 76574
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
What is ZUMBA? Pretty much the most fun and awesome workout ever. Zumba combines Latin and international music with dance moves. Zumba routines incorporate interval training — alternating fast and slow rhythms — and resistance training. Come join us at this awesome Zumbathon and dance to great music, with great people, and burn a ton of calories without even realizing it. Or come by and dance a little, or just cheer on your favorite Zumba champ and still have a ton of fun while helping the critters!
Join us this Friday for Pints for Pups at the Texas Beer Company. Enjoy great specials and help us as we raise funds for one of the Taylor Animal Shelter dogs who is in desperate need of surgery.
Daisy Needs our Help
We’ll be raising money to help Daisy, one of the dogs at the Taylor Animal shelter get surgery that she desperately needs to remove a very large (1 1/2 softball sized) mammary tumor and provide heart worm treatment and after care. If you can’t make it but would like to donate to her cause, you can donate online at Any and all donation amounts are greatly appreciated and all help! Hope to see you there! Texas Critter Crusaders is a 501(c)(3) non-profit so your donations are tax deductible.
Texas Beer Company SPECIALS for this Friday’s event:
With every pint purchase of a:
- Shiner Bock
- Fireman’s #4
The Texas Beer Company will donate $1.00 to the Texas Critter Crusaders benefiting the animals of the Taylor Animal Shelter