Update on Scooter! His surgery went well but he will spend the weekend at Sam Bass Veterinary Wellness for a little added care before he goes home on Monday. We want to thank every one of you that help us to get treatment for the pets in our community when they need it most. We could not do this without you all. Thanks to everyone that shared, donated and prayed for sweet Scooter! Thank you so so much!

PREVIOUS UPDATES: Scooter’s surgery was successful thanks to everyone that donated, shared and prayed for him. Thank you all so very much for your continued support of the pets in our community! <3. Please check our page for a special message from Scooter’s dad.
This is Scooter. He was found last night after being hit by a car on HWY 79 / 2nd St. City Of Taylor, Texas Animal Shelter ACO picked him up, made him as comfortable as possible over night, and took him to Graef Veterinary Hospital this morning to be checked out. His leg is broken and will require pins and a plate to repair it. This is not a surgery they are able to do locally. While we were figuring out our next move to save Scooter’s leg, his owner was found. Yay, what a relief! Except he’s going through a really rough patch himself and needs our help. Sam Bass Veterinary Wellness is willing to help us repair Scooter’s leg (as opposed to amputating it). His owner is desperate to help him as he’s all he’s got right now. You guys have always come through for the animals in our community in a big way and we’re hoping you can help us rally for Scooter now. Any amount helps and, as always, please share far and wide so we can raise the funds to help Scooter keep his leg. Thanks in advance!