Free Microchip & Low Cost Vaccine Clinic on Nov. 2, 2019

Join us on November 2, 2019 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Murphy Park, 1600 Veterans Dr, Taylor, Texas 76574 , for a free microchip and low-cost vaccine clinic!

Image maJoin us on November 2, 2019 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Murphy Park, 1600 Veterans Dr, Taylor, Texas 76574 , for a free microchip and low-cost vaccine clinic! y contain: dog and text

The Texas Critter Crusaders are having a FREE** microchipping and low-cost vaccine clinic on November 2, 2019 at the lower level of Murphy Park Pavilion located at 1600 Veteran’s Dr, Taylor, Texas. Bring your pets (dogs and cats only, please) from 9AM to Noon and get your pet micro chipped. We are teaming up with Dr. Shane Daigle from Graef Vet Hospital to offer low cost vaccines from 9AM to 11AM.

Pets that are micro chipped are more likely to be reunited with their owners if they go missing than pets that are not chipped. All pets must be contained in a carrier or on a leash.
**Donations accepted!

Join this event with us on Facebook at

An update on Scooter!

Update on Scooter! His surgery went well but he will spend the weekend at Sam Bass Veterinary Wellness for a little added care before he goes home on Monday. We want to thank every one of you that help us to get treatment for the pets in our community when they need it most. We could not do this without you all. Thanks to everyone that shared, donated and prayed for sweet Scooter! Thank you so so much!

Scooter the dog recuperating and resting after his surgery

PREVIOUS UPDATES: Scooter’s surgery was successful thanks to everyone that donated, shared and prayed for him. Thank you all so very much for your continued support of the pets in our community! <3. Please check our page for a special message from Scooter’s dad.

This is Scooter. He was found last night after being hit by a car on HWY 79 / 2nd St. City Of Taylor, Texas Animal Shelter ACO picked him up, made him as comfortable as possible over night, and took him to Graef Veterinary Hospital this morning to be checked out. His leg is broken and will require pins and a plate to repair it. This is not a surgery they are able to do locally. While we were figuring out our next move to save Scooter’s leg, his owner was found. Yay, what a relief! Except he’s going through a really rough patch himself and needs our help. Sam Bass Veterinary Wellness is willing to help us repair Scooter’s leg (as opposed to amputating it). His owner is desperate to help him as he’s all he’s got right now. You guys have always come through for the animals in our community in a big way and we’re hoping you can help us rally for Scooter now. Any amount helps and, as always, please share far and wide so we can raise the funds to help Scooter keep his leg. Thanks in advance!

Lala the pupper here and I’m ready for YOU!

It all started when I lost my momma. It was a long time ago but still seems like yesterday. Then I stayed in a shelter and then with different foster folks, but it’s time for my FOREVER friend…a place to finally call HOME. I’m not getting any younger here, people. I’m what you might call a “mature” woman. I don’t like the word senior ’cause it doesn’t do me justice. I’m super spunky and young at heart! I love to play with people big and small. Guess what else I love?! BELLY RUBS!!! I could lay around for days as long as you rub my ol’ tumtum. I’m great with adults, kids, and even most dogs. What more could you want in a special lady friend? Contact the City Of Taylor, Texas Animal Shelter or call 512-352-5483 for more information.

Image may contain: dog, outdoor and text

– 9 yrs old
– Boxer mix
– female
– about 50lbs

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July 4th Pet Safety Tips For You and Your Dogs and Cats

It’s that time of year – picnics, family, food and fireworks! It’s typically fun for all – unless you are a family pet. While many of us consider our pets to be part of the family, and we want to include them in our fun, some activities can be frightening, dangerous or even fatal to our beloved pets. Keep in mind that a dog’s sense of hearing is more than four times that of a human, and a cat can hear 1.6 octaves above the range of a human – so if it is loud for you, it can be extremely frightening for you pet. They don’t understand what is happening and will try to get away by any means – digging, climbing, running – even injuring themselves in the process. Below is a great infographic from PetFinder with a few tips to help you and your furry friend have a safe and enjoyable July 4th celebration – and many more pawsitively wonderful moments together. (And if you are thinking of adopting a pet this year, please check out a list of available pets on PetFinder.)
July 4th Pet Safety Tips for you and your dogs and cats


To Recap, Here are eight safety tips for this July 4th

  1. Be sure your pet is wearing up-to-date and visible ID tag on his or her collar at all times, and consider microchipping.
  2. Take a current photo of your pet just in case.
  3. Exercise your dog early in the day before the party begins.
  4. During cookouts, ask guests to play with your dog away from the flames.
  5. Keep charcoal, fireworks, sparklers and glow sticks far away from curious canines and felines.
  6. Keep dog treats on hand for those who want to give your pet food.
  7. Leave your dog at home with a frozen stuffed treat during the fireworks.
  8. If your dog is afraid of loud noises, leave gentle music playing to cover the fireworks.

Zumba for the animals: Tons of fun and a success for the critters

At the Zumba fundraiserA huge thank you to April Green and everyone at HT Fitness in Taylor for showing the shelter pets at the Taylor Animal Shelter, Taylor, Texas, some serious  support today at the Zumbathon fundraiser! Tons of people got their Zumba on, and stopped by to donate to help us raise money to help the animals at the Taylor Animal Shelter. April was an inspiring, energetic and upbeat host, and if you haven’t met April yet, you need to stop by HT Fitness and meet her – and sign up for one of her Zumba classes! You are sure to have tons of fun and get a great workout.

If you weren’t able to stop by today’s event but would still like to help, you can do that! Just click the “donate” button at the top of our web page, or click here to go to our secure donation page.

Dusty says thanks for your support at the Zumba fundraiserProceeds go to help the animals at the Taylor Animal Shelter. We’ve recently been able to spay and neuter 4 more dogs and cats, and help another cat with a severe infection. Every dog and cat that is spayed, neutered, heart-worm negative and up to date on shots is eligible to attend adoption events, which helps increase their chances for adoption. In addition, only dogs that are fully vetted are eligible for other special programs such as training, work programs and more, that will help them find quality forever homes.

With your help, we can make that happen for all of the animals that come into the shelter, AND help others in need when sudden and unexpected injuries or illnesses come up.  From the bottom of our hearts – we THANK YOU for your support today and always! Our sweet girl Dusty says thank you too! (Yes, she’s available for adoption.)

Please FOLLOW US on our FACEBOOK PAGE to find out about all of the fun upcoming activities we are doing!

Zumbathon fundraiser

Daisy needs our help!

dw4Friends, Daisy is a Taylor Animal Shelter resident who needs our help! She is in need of medical attention to remove a mammary tumor that is currently the size of 1 and ½ softballs – and growing rapidly! This tumor is affecting her quality of life and ability to walk. The staff at the shelter recently had to wrap her chest in a sheet to keep the tumor from dragging the ground and potentially breaking open. The good news is that the tumor is non- malignant, and preliminary diagnostic results indicate that with surgery and proper after-care, Daisy can be good as new, and should recover quite nicely. This will require surgery and after care in a foster home, including post-surgery heart worm treatment.

dw1Because Daisy is part of a bonded pair, and her companion also needs heart worm treatment, we are raising funds for Daisy’s surgery and heart worm treatment, and Whiskey’s heart worm treatment. The estimated veterinary cost for Daisy’s surgery is $800. The heart worm treatment will cost $300 per dog or $600 total.

Please come out and join us at the Texas Beer Company this Friday for Pints for Pups, enjoy good beer, great specials, and help us raise donations to cover the costs of Daisy’s surgery and after care. Check our EVENTS page for more!

Texas Critter Crusaders is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed to help fulfill the unmet needs of the animals at Taylor’s animal shelter. All donations are tax-deductible and go directly toward helping the animals. Visit us at to donate or learn more about how you can help.

Tractor Supply Adoption Event / Meet & Greet

Say Hello to the Kitties & the Crusaders

Join us this Saturday, September 17, 2016! Texas Critter Crusaders will be helping the Taylor Animal Shelter with an adoption event and meet and greet at Tractor Supply in Taylor, TX. Come out and meet some precious kitties available for adoption, say hello to the Crusaders, and find out what you can do to help the animals at Taylor Animal Shelter!

Pet Appreciation Week

The event is part of Tractor Supply Company’s big Pet Appreciation Week – 2016! Pet Appreciation Week will feature a main event on Saturday, Sept. 17, including in-store pet adoptions with community groups, $200 worth of prizes and giveaways in each store, and samples of select pet products. Learn more from the Tractor Supply Co.’s website, or just plan to stop by and see us!

Crusading for the Critters

Welcome to the Texas Critter Crusaders website! We are a small, passionate group of volunteers dedicated to helping fulfill the unmet needs of the animals at the Taylor, Texas, Animal shelter. We’re so excited to get this non-profit organization off the ground to help the animals!  The Taylor Animal shelter is a small, city-run shelter, and like many (most?) shelters in small rural towns, they have very limited resources.

aaweb_INSTA_DSC_5131-Dusty-faceThe staff and volunteers do an AMAZING job loving and caring for the animals that come into their care. As shelter volunteers ourselves, we saw a need and wanted to help even more. With the formation of this non-profit organization, we now have a way to help raise funds that are tax deductible for donors that can do even more to help with providing food, toys, medical care, outreach, education, and enrichment for the animals we all love.

We hope you’ll join us and get involved in a way that speaks to your heart. We’re just getting off the ground so we’ll need your help (and perhaps a bit of patience too) as we grow! Follow us and the Taylor Animal Shelter on social media, join us at events, contact us about volunteering, consider making a donation or any combination of all of those! The animals and the people who love them are eternally grateful!

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Spot gets his happily ever after . . . and a new name

Thanks to so many generous supporters, we were able to share the great news in March that we raised enough money to send Spot to school to help him get over his anxiety issues that he had developed after being at the shelter so long. We have an even better update to share with you now! The facility found an awesome new forever human for Spot and they’ve sent in this adorable photo of him. They are now calling him Oreo. He is very loved and we couldn’t be happier and more grateful to you for helping!

His adopter is completely in love despite him chewing up a pair of $120 Louis Vuitton shoes…He is now on gourmet dog food that his new human COOKS for him! His new human is now calling him Oreo! He loves sleeping in the bed with his new human and pushing his human in the middle of the night just so he can get directly in the middle!  😊❤️


Oreo (formerly known as Spot) in his new forever home, on the bed with his toy! ♥

Spot Goes to School!

aweb_INSTA_DSC_2598-face-sqThanks to your generous support, Spot will be heading off to school to get much-needed training and other care to help him find a loving forever family. For those who haven’t met Spot yet, here’s a little about his story – and how your donations are helping him.

Spot is a beautiful, 8-year old male, Australian Shepherd/Border Collie Mix. He was abandoned by his owner almost a year ago! He has been with the Taylor Animal Shelter since July 6th, 2015.

The Taylor animal control officer and shelter manager contacted Spot’s owner who said she had moved from the area and planned on picking him up. Spot’s owner never returned to get him. After many attempts to contact the owner, we realized that he had been abandoned.

I think anyone who has ever spent time caring for shelter animals, in any role or capacity, can attest that from time to time you will meet certain ones with whom you feel an extra connection. Spot is one of those dogs for me. Many thanks to the caring hearts who will lead him home!

Some dogs develop behavior issues after being in a shelter environment for a long time, and Spot is one of those dogs who has just gotten very stressed out in this environment. Spot is a sweet boy but after having spent so long in a stressful shelter environment after being abandoned by the only owner he has known, he needs some training to help him overcome some behavior issues that he has developed. Even though the shelter staff and volunteers love him very much and have spent as much time with him as possible, the shelter is a very stressful place to be.

He needs training to let him know that things CAN be OK again and to help us help him find a REAL forever home. K9 Mastery has agreed to take Spot for extensive training, but he needs $2,500 to attend. Because this is a small, municipal (city run) shelter funded by a very limited small town budget in a tiny, rural town, the funds just aren’t there to help special needs animals.

There is something about Spot that speaks to me. He is absolutely adorable.

K9 Mastery is an amazing facility with amazing trainers! Thanks to YOUR support, we’ve raised the full amount (and a little extra) to be able to send Spot to K9 Mastery! ♥ The tuition will cover training, boarding, vetting (neuter, shots, well-care) and helping find the perfect forever person for Spot.

K9 Mastery is located at 414 Walnut Creek Rd, Bastrop, Texas 78602. If you would like to know more about the Taylor Animal Shelter, please visit them at their Facebook page.

Thank you so much for helping us help Spot!